If you want to find out the diameter, volume, or area of a sphere, a sphere calculator is going to be the best tool for the job. Fortunately, it’s going to be the most accurate one, too. As long as you have at least one parameter, your sphere calculations are going to be effortless. The following information is going to be of use to you: V – the volume of a sphere R – the radius of a sphere A – the area of a sphere D – the diameter of a sphere A/V – Surface-to-volume ratio of a sphere A sphere is a 3D object that has sets of points in a three-dimensional space. From every point, the distance is the same. The sphere, while prevalent in mathematics, is also used in physics. This sphere calculator can be of use to you in many industries.
You can define a sphere’s volume as space within the sphere – be it liquid, solid, or gas. The measurement value can differ but tends to use units of length such as cubic feet or meters. You can use a volume conversion calculator to convert between unit types. You can also find out the volume of a sphere by using the following formulas: When you have the radius information: V = 4/3 x π x r³ When you have the diameter information: V = 1/6 x π x d³ When you have the area information: V = √ (A³ / (36 x π)).
The area of a sphere is the surface space that the sphere has. You measure this area in length measurements such as square feet or meters. You can find the surface area of a sphere by using the following formulas: When you have the radius: A = 4 x π x r² When you have the diameter: A = π x d² When you have the volume: A = ³√ (36 x π x V²)
The diameter of a sphere is the longest straight line through the entire shape – connecting two points as it passes through the center of it. The radius measurement is half the diameter, and you would measure it in lengths such as meters or feet. Use the following formula to work out the diameter of a sphere: With the radius: D = 2 x r With the diameter: D = √ (A / π) With the volume: D = ³√ (6 x V / π)
Among all closed objects, the sphere has the largest volume when you compare the surface area. Its ratio is also area/volume. The area formula is: A = 4 x π x r² The volume formula is: V = 4/3 x π x r³ Which means the surface-to-volume ratio formula is A / V = (4 x π x r²) / (4/3 x π x r³) = 3 / r Knowing that the radius is half of the diameter (r = d / 2), then you can use the following: A / V = 6 / D